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Peng Shou inspects the 8.5 generation TFT LCD glass project

Peng Shou inspects the 8.5 generation TFT LCD glass project

DATE:2018-07-13 VIEWS:155

On July 13, Peng Shou, general manager of Kaisheng Technology Group Co., Ltd., president of China Building Materials Bengbu Glass Industrial Design and Research Institute, and Party secretary, went to the first phase of the production line of 8.5 generation TFT-LCD glass substrate in the heat of high temperature.

On the construction site, Peng Shou has a thorough understanding of the progress, quality and safety of the project construction, and provides on-site guidance on the details of the project design. Peng Shou acknowledged the management of the site and the progress made so far, and repeatedly stressed that the 8.5 generation project is a national project and a high-quality project. The owners, the general contractors and the designers should unite their ideas and work together, and the design work should be deepened, refined and all aspects should be first-class. Set up the benchmarking of the project and win the national awards; seize the first opportunity to actively advance the completion time to ensure the ignition time.

Ma Liyun, Executive Vice-President of Bengbu Institute, Li Zhiming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Discipline Inspection Commission, Xu Bin, Chen Yong, Vice-President of the Bengbu Institute were accompanied.